01652 618924 - Autism Unseen (Charity Registration 1168938) autismunseen@btinternet.com




Autism Unseen would personally like to ask you to take a few moments of your time, in which to consider sponsoring the Kilimanjaro Challenge. We have four flexible packages available; Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze, and we would hope that you would find one of them suitable for your company or organisation. Without the generosity of sponsors it would be very difficult to accomplish an event of this magnitude.

Your sponsorship would be used to not only support the cost of this challenge, but also to contribute to the travel cost of the carers, who are accompanying and climbing alongside these autistic individuals, and giving up their valuable time free of charge.

Should you decide to be part of this epic adventure, Autism Unseen can offer you in return, a nationwide promotion of your brand, and a public celebration of your commitment to supporting these autistic young adults in reaching the ‘Roof of Africa’.

Unlike traditional fund raising events that you may have supported in the past, this is not just a one-night sponsorship event; it is a yearlong marketing campaign, that will reach across the length and breadth of the UK. It will touch the hearts of millions and should you choose to be a sponsor, it will enable you to be at the forefront of this innovative challenge, with a guaranteed front row seat in which to follow the progress of this unique venture.

Kilimanjaro Challenge - Sponsorship Package

This event is not only unique, but is also quite literally the first of its kind. To take a team of autistic individuals with carers, fly them to Africa and then ask them to climb nearly 20,000 feet is an undertaking like no other. Whilst media coverage can never be guaranteed, this is without doubt an event that should receive national and regional media attention. The Kilimanjaro Challenge consists of a 4-part promotional lifecycle that lasts for over 12 months, and for early sponsors who step in at stage one of this cycle, they will be guaranteed maximum exposure throughout this full lifecycle.

Four-Part Promotional Lifecycle
Stage 1 - Recruitment

This stage is the development and awareness stage of the campaign, with all methods of communication being used, including Social Media, HTML Emails and Website promotion. The autistic community is close knit and operates like a large family, and an extensive promotion will be undertaken throughout this community to recruit our autistic volunteers. It is said that nearly 1 million individuals in the UK suffer from autism and if you include families, autism touches the lives of 2.7 million people every day. Not only will the autistic community be involved, heads of blue-chip companies, Peers, MP’s, the legal profession, car manufacturers, banks and the renewable energy sector are just a sample of companies and people who will be approached.

Stage 2 - Individual Fundraising

Once the autistic individuals are recruited, national and local TV, radio and newspapers will be involved, to tell the story of the individuals taking part. These autistic individuals will also be raising money for Dig Deep, to supply clean sustainable water to children in the remote villages of Kenya. Theatre shows will take place throughout the UK to promote the event, and numerous campaigns will be run in a variety of outlets, including schools, colleges, supermarkets and shopping centres.

Stage 3 - The Climb

This is where the website and social media goes into overdrive, each of the autistic individuals and carers will have social media campaigns running, with daily news and where possible video being streamed back. This event could quite easily go viral with millions of hits and views.

Stage 4 - Back Home

A continuation of national and local TV, Radio and Newspaper coverage, with interviews, stories, video and pictures of the individuals taking part in this adventure of a lifetime.



We are always open to new creative ideas for sponsorship and fundraising opportunities. Should you feel that you can contribute outside of our established packages then we would like to hear from you? If you are a manufacturer or supplier of specialist clothing & footwear or can supply ‘Go-Pro’ style cameras, then we would be happy to discuss a product placement deal with you.