01652 618924 - Autism Unseen (Charity Registration 1168938) autismunseen@btinternet.com
  • Raising Money for Dig Deep, Autism Unseen and Syria Relief

Throughout my working life I have always taken a great pride in supporting charitable endeavours, and I enjoy the challenge associated with all my fundraising activities.

I set up Autism Unseen a number of years ago to raise awareness surrounding the social exclusion that is common place amongst autistic children and autistic young adults. I have experienced first-hand the difficulties that these autistic individuals face on a daily basis, every single day is a challenge for them and they often face a lonely life, devoid of the friendships that we often take for granted. My youngest son ‘Charlie’ is 22 years old and severely autistic and the fortitude that he shows in dealing with his autism is truly humbling.

Other fundraising activities include helping raise much needed funds for Syria Relief and I recently completed a 80km walk with 9 other mums treking across rough countryside from Switzerland to France in just two days.

2016 will bring about one of my toughest challenges, leading a team of Autistic Young Adults to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. We hope to raise over 30,000 pounds which will be donated to ‘Dig Deep’ to provide clean, sustainable water for remote villages in Kenya.

Information on all of these fundraising activities can be found by clicking on any of the links below. Some of these links will also allow you to be directed to my ‘Just Giving’ page, so if anyone feels inclined to pledge some support, then any donations for any of these charitable endeavours would be very much appreciated.

Julia x


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Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the most impressive sights in Africa and climbing it is one of the all-time great achievements. It’s the largest freestanding mountain in the world and the trek encompasses terrains from jungle to glacier. Reaching the summit and watching the sun rise over the vast African plains truly is the experience of a lifetime. It is a mega plus for your CV and an opportunity to help raise funds to supply sustainable clean water to the remote villages of Kenya.


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I will be taking part in a much needed fund raising venture with a group of 9 other UK mums from all walks of life. We are walking 80 kilometres in just two days from Switzerland to France, crossing boarders, to collectively raise £10,000 in support of Syrian refugees. Who can judge or blame any Syrian family for wanting to provide a safe haven for their children and settle in a safe country, away from the atrocities of war and hardships beyond our imagination.


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To create more awareness of autism, by educating and informing schools, collages and the workplace on how to respond and deal with children / young adults who have an autistic disorder. Social exclusion is a major problem for individuals with autism, generally brought about by people not being aware, or not knowing how to deal with these disorders. If we can achieve this, even in a small way, then it will be a life changing event for people suffering from this disability.