01652 618924 - Autism Unseen (Charity Registration 1168938) autismunseen@btinternet.com

Donations – Please click on our donation button



Autism Unseen would personally like to ask you to take a few moments of your time, in which to consider making a donation to the Kilimanjaro Challenge. Individual donations, large or small, will make a difference and provide a vital contribution. All donations will be used to support the cost of this challenge, and contribute to the travel cost of the carers, who are accompanying and climbing alongside these autistic individuals, giving up their valuable time free of charge.

Autism Unseen would like to thank in anticipation, every single person who chooses to make a donation to this epic adventure, without your contribution, the Kilimanjaro Challenge would not be possible. By your generosity, our team of autistic individuals will have an opportunity to not only scale the heights of Kilimanjaro, but to also take part in an individual personal challenge, that requires courage, fortitude and a commitment to succeed.

When these autistic individuals complete this epic climb and come back down the mountain, what a story they will have to tell. What an opportunity to grasp life and live it to the full, what memories they will have and what a task they will have completed, something to be truly proud of.

Everyday can be a challenge for an autistic person, and experiences like the Kilimanjaro Challenge will provide a platform for these youngsters, who are often socially excluded, to be able to step outside of their twilight world, to become socially accepted and to embrace a new beginning.


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